When the impossible becomes reality

"It could not be done", eminent visual neuroscientists told him over and over again. For 3D images You need stereoscopic sight". But then again, never  say impossible to Eric Joris and his "Crew". They started a journey to realise what no human being thought possible: creating a 3D reality with monocular vision. Sure,  it took time, a super creative process of trial and error, insight in how the brain creates its inner worlds but then one day  BANG !! They did it. A daydream pops into reality, a vision that some thought physically impossible came into being.The birth of a collateral world. It must have felt like the Gods of vision at work. 

It is not augmented reality , it is a new visual experience. Derren Brown would be fascinated. Description.

You can enjoy it in this movie but like You I would love to "experience" it. 

Kudo's for Eric Joris and his team who keep pushing boundaries and explore strange new places where no human eye has gone before. We are proud and honored to welcome him  as distinguished member of this Neuro-Tope blog.



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